So all my excitement, both good and bad, started last week when I came home from my part time job as a reading intervention teacher. I had just discovered an unexpected time restriction for a half marathon I was signed up for so I decided I needed to get busy with 6 weeks of some serious training.
Even before my accident in August with Katie that caused a bruise/strain on my right ACL, I have always suffered from knee issues. While that may lead most people to not take up running, I jump in constantly with both feet. So when I started running in 2009 I purchased an elliptical to help with my training. Well last week Tuesday brought the death of my much loved and used Elli.
Once the initial sticker shock wore off I knew it was an obvious and easy purchase. Decided to go with the hybrid, an elliptical and recumbent bicycle all in one machine (to get my sprint tri training started, which is a blog for another day). Then some happy news and a phone call from Coalinga-Huron U.S.D. about a full time teaching g position in the fall. The interview was set for 3:00 on Friday.
I have never had an interview that I have felt good about when it is done. This one was no different. I knew there were a couple of questions that were just not as strong an answer as I would have liked, leaving me without a good feeling as I walked out. But within an hour I had a text from my initial master teacher telling me they had called to check on me.
Not long after a second reference was texting to tell me they had also been contacted. While I told myself not too get too excited, I knew that if they were calling references at 4:00 on a Friday this had to be a good sign. So I tried to push all the emotions aside and headed out on a 5k walk with a good friend, who upon my sharing my day with her informed me that I would always have a place to crash until I figured out where I wanted to land.
I have always been a firm believer that God puts us where he needs us most, even if it doesn't make sense to us. This friend was actually facing a possible doggie issue as she was considering being out of state to deal with family issues for a little while in the fall and she shared with me how my staying would help alleviate some of her burden. This was just another sign that this may be the new plan.
When I left the interview Friday they informed me I would know yes or no by the middle of the week. As Monday came to a close, I kept reminding myself to stay positive, Wednesday (the middle) was right around the corner. And besides, I had my new ProForm to look forward to putting together when I got home from work on Tuesday.
By recess, I had gotten the call telling me I had the job!! Now all that was left was getting all my official transcripts collected again and to the district office so we could start my placement on the scale and get me ready for my new classroom for the 2015-16 school year. I felt such joy (and relief) that it was hard not to break down as I called my parents to tell them the joyous news. As I went down the hall to share with a long time family friend Janet (her husband began working at my elementary school when I was in the 4th grade), I couldn't contain my emotions and began balling as soon as I saw her smile. Cried a little again as I told my friend Erin, who I have shared classroom space with since the first of the year.
As I sat at my desk Tuesday morning, so many emotions were running around my head. So many tasks would need to be complete in the coming days. First up would be a trip to Clovis (45 mins away) to get my car serviced. Thought it was just an oil change and tire rotation but lucky me, I also got to have my transmission flushed because the fluid appeared to be burnt and my new tech was concerned. New tech was something else that was stressing me out as I have had the same one for something like 15 years. So my free oil change became a $235 transmission flush.
So after being out of the house before 8am I was finally getting home for dinner just before 7pm, making for a very long day and a very tired little monkey. Wednesday would bring lots of time on my PC as I worked to look up phone numbers and address to track down all the information I would need for my new job. I also can't forget working with my 6 reading groups and taking a group of 1st graders for the afternoon so their teacher could take care of family business. Somewhere in there I need to get Heidi but together (new ProForm with pictures to come soon). And Thursday and Friday will bring a Rawhide Baseball game, where I scan tickets and help people find their seats (so two more super long days).
And don't forget the 5k on Saturday morning in Exeter and working the Kids Club booth Sunday for Rawhide. Whew, I am tired again just thinking about the rest of the week. But in the end, I am counting my blessings for all the wonderful things that fill my life and the people who are there for me even when I may forget.
Special thank you to Monique and Shelly for what I am sure were very kind and supporting words when the school district called them. Thank you to my parents for putting up with me the last 4 years as I have looked and struggled to find my new place in life. To all of my running family, thank you for distracting me when I am out on the course and for motivating me with your adventures. Thank you to Shane for knowing when to just let me babble and get things out of my system and for trying to fix things when that was what I needed. Thank you to Erin for being a shining light in my morning each day, not sure I could have made it through without you this semester.
And thank you to everyone who makes it this far in my journey. Thank you for taking the time to be a part of my life by caring enough to read through this. Please know that each and every one of you are appreciated and loved, even when I forget to say it out loud or perhaps haven't said it much at all recently. I feel truly blessed to have the support group I have surrounding me and know I am a better person in some way because of each and every one of you!