Thursday, August 22, 2013

SAR Wild Run

This is by far one of my favorite local events!  It is also one of the most challenging for me.  Last year I was suffering from a hairline fracture on my right baby toe.  I was happy to be injury free for this years race, but still struggled up the hill on the final mile. 

One of the things I like the most about this event is the variety of events offered.  There is a 10k and 5k as well as 2 mile option and a 16 mile bike loop.  If you are so inclined, you can make it a double and do both a 10k/5k and then the bike loop.  The timing is set up so people who want to both run and ride can, something I love although I have yet to utilize. 

I have been told the 10k path is easier than the 5k path, but I have yet to find this out for myself.  I was able to have a course PR this year and cut 2 1/2 minutes off my time.  Was also proud of myself for making it all the way up the sandy/dirt hill before having to take a break.  Also know I lost a few minutes when I stopped around mile 1 to help a youngster who was frustrated with herself for tripping (she was bleeding from her palm and elbow).  She was struggling to make it after the EMT bandaged her up, but was determined to not walk.  Happy to say she plowed through the uphill and I soon lost sight of her.

I had tried different fuel for this race, something I know is not smart.  While I know it was not the whole cause of my sluggishness the last mile, I know I will be back next year with even more determination to "KILL" the sandy mountain climb.

 At the start line before the race.  Didn't realize my glasses were dorked up until just now. 

 The bling awaiting all finishers, something new from last year.

 With my new friend, Roger Sebert, who is a former Western States 100 finisher.  This was one of his first 5k's since having surgery (wish I could remember who it was for).

 One the down hill portion of the first mile of the race.  Feeling good and glad I brought along my sleeve holders and was able to work on my farmer tan.

 View of the lake around mile 2 just after the aide station and before heading up the sandy hillside to make our way towards the finish line.

 At the beginning of the climb.  We had to scramble over fallen trees in multiple locations!

 This was one of the best marked races of all time.  They had plenty of these signs leading up to the race to make sure you didn't get lost on the way to the start line.

 My swag!  Loved the addition of a shirt (got a bandana last year) and medal.  They also gave us face masks, which I thought a little odd at first, but quickly remembered why as the race started and we were pounding down the hillside knocking up much dust!

Remembered to put on my for this race!  Felt like I was getting some strange looks from others, especially with my sticking out.  Only part of my feet that were dirty were the toes, which I am sure came from the uphill climb.  I remember my feet were filthy last year after this one, and there was a small sandbox in my shoes! 

Look forward to returning next year, thinking already about my plan to cut even more time of my course record!!  Happy running!

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Coromega: the Big Squeeze!
I like the idea of things I can add to my daily diet to become healthier when they are not actual pills.  I had taken omega-3 tables before and eventually end up letting them go once the bottle is empty.  At first, I received the single does packets and didn't really think much about it.  Set it aside with some of the other random products I had to sample and didn't think much about it.  Then the Big Squeeze came along.


This big fella looked promising.  I could get into the product and have multiple weeks to see the true effects.  So like any good consumer, I turned it over to see what I was supposed to do to take it.  This is a very versatile product.  You can add it to your favorite smoothie or yogurt or even just put it on a spoon and guzzle it!  Unless you really like the flavor listed, I wouldn't really recommend the spoon approach.  While the texture is good, the taste for me was way to lemony. 

I tried adding it next to some vanilla Greek yogurt, and tossed in some chia seed for good measure.  While it helped make the taste more manageable for me, it was still not quite what my taste buds wanted.  While I would try it again in another flavor, the lemon was just about too much for me.  For more information please check out their website @

There is also a tropical and mango flavor option, which I look forward to trying someday. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Goldbaums Pop Potato Original Chips

I had an email offer to try a month of Klutch box so I decided to give it a try.  Grabbed the Goldbaums Pop Potato Original Chips today and must say, I was happily surprised.  I didn't really know what to expect but I am always looking for something to snack on that is actually healthy for me.  I was also surprised by how many were in the single serve bag, move than enough to keep this snacker happy. 

While the texture was a little dry the best way I can think of to describe these "chips" is a cross between a tortilla chip and a mini rice cake.  I tried sharing them with my pup Katie, but she wanted nothing to do with them, a sure sign they are healthy. 

Here is a little of what they had to say about their products on their website (    Goldbaums Natural Food Co. is a premier manufacturer of natural gluten-free products. Our foods are healthy, delicious, and a good choice for diabetics. Whether it is a staple, such as natural brown rice, pasta, or a quick snack, such as our wonder meals, each item gets the distinctive Goldbaums treatment; rigorous testing and tasting by researchers and staff to determine that the product is of the most superior caliber.

My Mom is diabetic, and I was happy to see so many of their products that she could eat and I am happy to report she enjoyed the Pop Potato Original Chips.  She said she could see replacing tortilla chips with them for her salsa dipping and with her lunchtime sandwich.  I am excited to explore some of the other products in the future.  One thing I liked the most was Mom could enjoy the whole bag if she wanted to for a snack, as it was well under the allowed carb count she keeps such a close eye on.  I look forward to learning more about this product once I am able to locate more of it, as it doesn't appear to be offered near my home.